Thursday, July 8, 2021

Caricature Art


Since it is around the end of term 2 something fun Miss Read thought of for Ngahere was caricature art. Caricature art is art when you make a cartoon by tracing Bodies, faces, eyes, mouths, noses, hats, and other things.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021



Since it is Matariki Ngahere has been learning about it. I worked with Sean on a quiz and this as well.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Eletric cars

 How electric cars help climate change

Petrol comes from oil in the bottom of the ocean and will run out one day but will come back after about 100 to 1000 years. Oil rigs can spill which kills sea creatures and pollutes the waters.  

Cars release carbon dioxide which creates global warming which heats up the atmosphere. Global warming melts the ice caps and the sea will rise and more droughts will occur.

Electricity is much easier to get than petrol and to get it you can use solar, hydro and wind. More charging stations need to be built though.

Companies definitely should sell electric cars or hybrids for all reasons above by 2035 to save the ice caps and no more oil spills occur.

Car companies should sell mostly electric cars and hybrids by 2035 and I will tell you some reasons why. Cars need petrol which is nonrenewable and oil rigs can make oil spills, Cars release carbon dioxide which melts the ice caps and electricity is easier to get than petrol.

 Ngahere is making magazines about a chosen subject and my group is doing earth's future.  For an editorial I did how electric cars help climate change. I hope you enjoy reading this post.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Humpback whales


Since our weekly quiz, Ngahere/Whenua were making humpback whale DLOs (digital learning objects) to show all we know about them and some research. 

Hope you enjoy this slide and map.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Dunger book review

Dunger by Joy Cowley

Dunger is an amazing book because it is on audio by RNZ, it is always in the action, the characters are very good and it has terrific wording. Dunger is about 2 kids who have to stay at their grandparents' beach for the holidays. 

People who like books full of action will want to read Dunger. There are exciting parts at the start, middle, and end.


The characters are great and William and Melissa (the main characters) each have a chapter where it is their side of the story and swaps between them.  

Dunger is very well written using colloquialisms and other words like that. The name of the book is actually a colloquialism meaning trash or should be in a dump. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in these reasons. Though some people won’t be able to put the book down.

For my last Dunger activity, I did a book review on Dunger and that is it.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Dunger character map


Ngahere has been doing novel studies and the group I was in had to make character maps with William and Melissa.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Book Review


Wings of Fire #2 The Lost Heir by Tui. T. Sutherland`

Do you like dragons and battles? If so then this is the book for you. This book is part of a 14 book series and you should read it in order otherwise you have no idea what is happening.

I love the book because it has a mystery, who is murdering all queen corals' daughters?

There is magic in the book and it is animus magic. Animus dragons are dragons that can enchant anything. I love it because there is plenty of action all the way through which makes it really exciting.

There is a large group of dragons called the talons of peace and each dragon left their tribe to try to stop the war.

I would recommend this book to children 8yrs+ because there is some dragon violence.

In Ngahere we are making magazines which we made book reviews for.

Thursday, May 13, 2021



Ngahere has been doing a novel study and the book I was doing was Dunger. I had to draw the setting and find the definition of a colloquialism.

Magazine cover


In Ngahere the class is making magazines in groups. My group was with Ralph and Lucas.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Parts of speech


In Ngahere we have been learning about parts of speech. We made posters so we remember their meanings.